Nigerian Prince Attempts to Share Wealth with Americans; Is Ignored by All of Them



Abuja, Nigeria – Akoni Okonkwo, a prince in the capital of Nigeria is not like usual princes. He has never been one for money and wealth and spends most of his days helping out the poor and donating his money to various charities. It was recently that he felt he had done all he could in Nigeria and wanted to focus on America and it’s high population of citizens who are living paycheck to paycheck.

Okonkwo’s phone lines had been down after a recent electrical outage, so the prince took to the internet to try to get in touch with the soon-to-be rich Americans. He compiled a list of different Americans who had been interviewed, posted online, or voiced their financial problems in one way or another. After setting up a basic email template to send to all of his candidates, he waited for months for people to respond.

“The first thing I did every morning and the last thing I did every night was check my email,” Okonkwo told us. “I didn’t expect everyone to get the email. I’ve heard about all of these scam emails Americans get to increase their penis size or claim a new laptop they won, so I thought maybe my email got looped in with some of those.” Eventually Okonkwo decided to send his charitable emails north of America as he reached out to many Canadians. As we all know, Canadians are extremely friendly, so they all opened up their emails and wrote back to Okonkwo immediately. Once the American’s found out about the money they could’ve received, they have now opened any and all emails, taking advantage of the great offers to make up for the money they missed out on.