Cat Left at Home for Two Months; Totally Cool with It



Watertown, MA – Jessica Hardy, a 28-year-old funeral director, decided to take a few months off from work this year and travel the country. By the time she saved up enough days to do so, she had all of her plans ready. At the end of April, she packed up her car and headed out to see parts of the country she had never seen before.

As excited as Hardy was to take some time off and explore the country, she was very upset that she had to leave her cat, Mimi, at home. Not being apart from her cat for long before, and having the cat for most of her life, the New Hampshire native was worried about her cat being home alone for so long. She called the cat everyday she was gone and left messages on the answering machine talking to the cat.

As she arrived back home after her two-month vacation, Hardy was very excited to see her cat. However, Mimi was far from excited to see her owner. She was licking her private parts as Hardy made her way through the door. Mushy looked up briefly to see her owner return and then continued to lick herself.