Local Girlfriend Hopes Boyfriend Drafts Poorly so She Can See Him Again Soon


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Houston, TX – It’s that time of year again. The time where millions of men all across the country spend their night in front of their laptops as they try to compile the best team possible to win their fantasy football season and shove it in the face of all of their friends who lost. As the men spend their evenings stressing out to try to get the perfect quarterback and team to back him up, their girlfriends and wives spend their nights out drinking with one another as they all hope their men have the worst draft possible. Teresa Franklin is one of these women.

Franklin is a software analyst in NASA’s hometown. She spent most of her Monday night on 16th street with her girlfriends hoping her boyfriend, James, would text her letting her know her got “totally screwed over during his draft.” The beginning of the ladies’ night started like always: the women caught up, drank a little, and then stared at their phones for the rest of the night.

The New York native wasn’t so lucky this year. James got one hell of a team lined up, with some of the players including Gronkowski, Maclin, and Marshall. It was at this point that Franklin knew she would not see her boyfriend again for quite a while.