Kellyanne Conway to Become New Verizon Spokesperson


Washington, D.C. – Kelleyanne Conway is in the news almost as much as Trump these days. From getting trolled by “fans” to being parodied on Saturday Night Live by the talented Kate McKinnon, it’s hard to turn on the television or check Facebook without seeing the New Jersey native’s name. Just earlier today, Conway showed up in the media once again, this time for the announcement of her becoming the new Verizon spokesperson.

“We are more than excited to have Conway on board with us,” Marshall Chalkston told us. The VP of Marketing at Verizon knew that he had to have the President’s counselor on board after seeing her on the couch of the White House on her phone. “She just looked so natural, so poised. After losing that douche, Paul Marcarelli, to Sprint, we have been struggling to find somebody new that would really stand out.” Chalkston Tweeted the controversial politician to see if she would be interested and she responded with interest almost instantly.

Conway will soon be showing up on billboards, commercials, websites and anywhere else Verizon has and can advertise. Verizon users fear for their phone plans, that they are locked into, and are hoping that Conway isn’t going to use her new sponsorship to spread even more fake news. With this new change, maybe Sprint will hire Sean Spicer to be their front man.