Rosetta Stone to Add Teenage Girl to Catalog of Languages


Arlington, VA – Rosetta Stone, a software company that develops language learning programs, has just announced it’s going to be adding a new language to it’s already diverse catalog. The language doesn’t come from any country or anything else you can trace throughout history, though. The language being added is that of the Teenage Girl.

“It’s something I think the world needs right now,” CEO Stephen M. Stephen M. Swad told us. “I was with my niece last week and I honestly couldn’t understand half of the things she was saying.” She joked around that she would write me a book to understand the language her and her friends speak and that’s where the idea came from.

Swad has brought his nice, Cassandra, to the HQs and is having her record every word of her language and also translate it. Some of the words already added are “Totes,” “Prolly,” and “Bae.” The product should be out in time for Christmas and Swad believes it will be a great present for teenage girls to give to their family members so they can communicate easier.