Barack Obama Starts Paper Chain to Count down the Days until He Leaves the Oval Office



Washington, D.C. – Barack Obama has had quite the struggle as president. He has had to deal with some of the biggest problems our country has seen in quite a while and he has also had to constantly deal with the fact that he is the first African American president. Although the 44th president has been spending a lot of time on vacation these days, when he’s on the job, he couldn’t be more excited to finally retire. Obama is looking forward to retiring so much that he has actually put together a paper chain link in the Oval Office to count down the days.

When growing up, a lot of children put together a paper chain link to count down the days until Christmas. The 25 piece link starts on the first of December and goes up until Christmas morning. Obama has decided to put one of these together to countdown his last few years in the White House. The paper chain is a lot longer than the ones people make on Christmas, though. Obama’s staff have been working on the chain for the past few months and Obama started using it a few weeks ago The chain is now 656 pieces long and runs all around Obama’s bedroom.

“You should see the excitement on his face every morning when he rips off a chain,” First Lady Michelle Obama told us. “It’s along time until my husband is out of the office, but every day he rips off a chain, you can tell how that one less day can really lift him up.”