Turn Me On – Kevin Lyttle (Official Nancie Remix)



In such a saturated market there really is no other option but to bring more to the table than your adversaries and Official Nancie does just that. By the truckload. Locking in a combination of live vocals, flawless mixing and a certain je ne sais quoi, Official Nancie has been bringing fire to the airwaves for Capital FM and dance floors from Dubai to Marbella. Her distinctive blend of house music beats and live PA’s that will see her introduce a saxophone to future performances, makes Nancie different to any other DJ and has her pegged by many as Birmingham’s hottest export.Since a young age, Official Nancie’s world has revolved around music. Growing up in a musical family inspired her to pursue her dream of becoming a DJ. From being a BritYouth pupil at the age of 11, to spreading her wings and finding her voice as a recording artiste at Rich Bitch studios, the now 21-year-old talent, is climbing the ladder whilst carving a name for herself as a respected female DJ along the way.

A whirlwind of a year has seen the fresh, young DJ and producer put out track after track. Her most recent releases have been: ‘Where The Love Lies (Orginial Mix) – Ali Emm, Kamikarzy & Official Nancie which featured on the 2015 Capital FM clothing range advert that was remixed by Scott Gascoigne and Nova Music, ‘Meet With You’ – Official Nancie & Josh Smith released by Loin Records and ‘I’ll Be Waiting’ – Tom Bull & Official Nancie by Nu Wave Records which had early support from Disclosure, B-traits and TS7 and it doesn’t stop there… The Squatters will also be working in the studio with Official Nancie, so keep your eyes peeled and watch this space for an exciting new track yet to drop!

Her live performances truly offer an unparalleled style in delivery when she’s behind the decks. The intensity she radiates when performing infused with her crowd-pleasing track selection goes hand in hand to create the perfect recipe for a night to remember.

2015 has already been a big year for Nancie and she intends to see it out in the same fashion. With tour dates lined up for the UK such as Cream Birmingham’s 9th Year Anniversary and Rock The Boat II in Dubai, there really is nothing stopping Official Nancie on her road to success.

Official Nancie is fast becoming a force to be reckoned and the ripples of her impact are being felt across the globe.

Check out the newest remix by Official Nancie:

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