Joe Biden Finally Starts Using Big Boy Toilet



Washington, D.C. – It’s not news to anyone in this country that Joe Biden is a child. The 47th and current Vice President of the United States has another two years in the White House, alongside President Barack Obama, and has a lot of growing up to do. Over the years he’s spent in the White House, Obama has been quite immature in public. Between mocking others he was debating and eating ice cream while flashing money to the paparazzi, the Pennsylvania native just can’t seem to act his age. Apparently, it’s even worse than we thought.

This morning, Biden took to his Twitter account to boast about a recent accomplishment he met. While most would think this would’ve been about something he’s done with ISIS or immigration, it turned out to be something completely opposite.

Biden’s early morning Tweet today read, “I finally did it. I finally started using the big boy toilet! No more Fisher Price toilet for me!” Obama even uploaded a picture of Biden’s first time pooping on the normal toilets inside of the White House. When asked about the success of his Vice President, Obama responded, “It’s a really big day for us here! It might have taken him 72 years, but the fact is, he did it!”