Brian Williams’ Wife Starting to Believe Three-and-a-Half Inches Isn’t Average



New York, NY – Fans of Brian Williams have been quite disappointed over the last 24 hours. The extremely successful anchor has been feeding us the news for over two decades now, but was recently caught in a scandal. NBC News announced yesterday that they will be suspending the New Jersey native for six months on account of his fabrications involving a 2003 Iraq War helicopter incident .

Viewers of Williams’ stories are starting to doubt a lot of his different stories from the last 22 years, but even worse, his wife is starting to doubt some things he’s told her behind closed doors.

“When we first made love, I had questioned the size of his member,” Jane Stoddard Williams told us. “I hadn’t been with many men  before him, so I wasn’t sure what to compare it to. Brian just told me that three-and-a-half inches was totally average for a man. Since 1986, I always though that he was telling the truth. Now with his lies being exposed, I’m curious as to what else he has lied about. I started doing some research online, and it turns out that three-and-a-half inches is not at all average.