Women Now Complaining That $20 Bill Isn’t High Enough for Them



Money in the form of many large bills

Washington, DC – Hilary Clinton has been making her way into the news lately for many different reasons. The 2016 presidential candidate is doing a lot to drive the equality of women and will be certainly winning over the votes of many females for the election. Recently, the Chicago native pitched the idea of having a woman replace Andrew Jackson on the twenty dollar bill. The idea is now making its rounds and has developed quite a following. However, like they do with everything, women are now saying that it’s not enough.

xAt a recent press conference in Iowa, Clinton was asked by a female resident why only shoot for a twenty dollar bill, when women deserve to be on something much higher than that. Clinton stated that it was a good point and that women deserve more. Clinton and her followers have already started a new campaign to get women on a much higher bill. In fact, the Women On 20s group are now campaigning to get a women’s face on a $1,000 bill. Though these bills don’t exist, they want to be on top.

Different possibilities for the new $1,000 bill include Harriet Tubman, Hilary Clinton herself, and none other than Kim Kardashian. It might be sooner than you know that people all over the place will be carrying around $1,000 bills.