Tom Green Boycotting Oscars; Upset He Didn’t Get Oscar Nom for Interacting with Dead Animals


file00087661243Hollywood, CA – With the Oscars a little over two weeks away, more and more celebrities are boycotting this year’s award show. While most of these entertainers are boycotting the 88th Academy Awards because of the lack of diversity, Tom Green is boycotting the event for a totally different reason.

Everyone is talking about how this is Leonardo DiCaprio’s year to win the Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role. Not only is he way past due to win this award, but the amount of method acting he pulled to play the main character in Alejandro G. Iñárritu’s The Revenant should help DiCaprio finally earn a golden statue. The California native swam in frozen rivers, ate raw bison, and slept in animal carcasses. It seems that people forgot about the animal carcasses that Tom Green played with in the 1999 comedy Freddy Got Figured.

The Canadian actor and comedian directed, starred in, and co-wrote the 20th Century Fox film at the turn of the new millennium. The film co-starred Rip Torn and Harland Williams and some of the more famous scenes included Green playing a sausage piano, the now forty-four-year-old wearing a backwards suit, and a scene where the rapper stepped inside of the carcasses of road kill.

It’s no surprise that Green is upset about the obsession over DiCaprio’s nomination. Even Leo doesn’t understand the favoritism towards him and the lack of love for Green. “If I win this Oscar, I will give it to Tom.” DiCaprio told us.