Local Man Sees Nothing Wrong with Wearing Crocs



Beverly, MA – It seems as if the snow is finally done for the year. The past few weeks have seen temperatures up in the late sixties and the sun has certainly spent some time shining down on New England residents who are ready to come out of seasonal depression. Along with the nice weather comes iced coffees, freeze pops, and of course, the summery outfits.

A Beverly man went out this weekend to run an errand and wore his Croc flops out for the first time this year. This was quite a daring move as almost every person in the world has a high distaste for the rubbery shoes.

“Yeah, I had to run an errand and I didn’t feel like putting on socks and shoes,” Matt Wall started. “I dug my Croc flops out of my closet and I threw them on. Every year, I forget how comfortable they are,” he continued.

When asked if he thought they were embarrassing to wear, he replied, “A lot of people make fun of them, but they’re too comfortable not to wear.” Wall went on to tell us that he’ll be wearing his umbrella hat in no time.