Cat Only Sleeps 15 Hours One Day



Portsmouth, NH – Kristin Madden, a theoretical physicist, noticed something strange about her cat, Neemus yesterday. While working from home, Madden spent the day in her living room next to her five-year-old black tabby. It was easy for the Massachusetts native to get her work done, as her cat was asleep as usual.

After the sun set, and Madden had just finished dinner, Neemus woke up. Madden expected her to fall back to sleep, but she stayed awake for hours. It was hard for Madden to continue her work, as she worries about her cat.

“It was like anything I’ve ever seen,” Madden told us. “Neemus usually sleeps at least 20 hours a day and this was very out of the ordinary for her.” Madden has also owned other cats and noticed all of them slept a minimum of 20 hours a day. Madden took her cat to the veterinarian, who said it was very strange behavior for any cat. The veterinarian is keeping Neemus for study over the next few days.