Man on Street Selling His Music Is Actually Talented


Denver, CO – The 16th Street Mall became alive in the beginning of Saturday night, as tourists wandered the strip and musicians and other entertainers started to perform. Guitars, banjos, makeshift drums and other instruments carried notes across the 1.25 mile street. Some musicians, who had previously recorded some of their music, stood on different corners of the street handing out CDs of their music trying to promote themselves.

Tim Weston, who goes by Hood Dawg, was one of the hip-hop artists handing out a newly recorded EP outside of The Cheesecake Factory. The Atlanta-born rapper moved out to the Mile-High City in early 2010 to try to get his name out there and make some connections. His newest EP, titled “Gangster Wayz,” has found it’s way into many different hands in downtown Denver as well as the outside suburbs as well.

Many passerby’s had pretty good reactions to hearing the EP and have been surprised at how great the beats, lyrics, and flow are of the album. Mike Green, an accountant who works right by 16th Street Mall, was on lunch break last week when he took a copy of “Gangster Ways” and listened to it at work. “It’s not my type of music,” Green started, but I had listened to everything on my phone and needed some new music. There’s a few tracks on there I really enjoy. I don’t really understand the messages that much, but it’s definitely some music I enjoy listening to.”

Hood Dawg says he plans on staying around 16th Street Mall, because that’s where he finds the most people interested in his music. If enough people listen to his music and purchase his other release, he’ll have money to get back into the studio again soon.