The Machine – Arakara


“There’s no good music anymore.” It’s a phrase we’ve all heard, and maybe even said it ourselves. Today’s music just lacks the same soul and passion. Autotuned pop singers bleach their hair and blow glitter everywhere, boy bands run amuck, and even metal rarely ventures outside the lowest string anymore (and often couple their music with whiny vocals or EDM elements). What happened to the greats? What happened to Slayer? To Death? To Pantera? Where are all the angry, aggressive, shredding metal bands?

One is right here, as it turns out. Inspired by the glory days of metal, Vince Van Berkum and Zack Donovan founded Arakara in late 2014. Taking the stage starting in early 2015, Arakara has played alongside legends such as Toxic Holocaust, Helstar, Doyle (featuring former members of Misfits), and Mobile Deathcamp (featuring former members of GWAR). They’re determined to help original, uncompromising metal make a comeback. Just like the warrior nation tribes that inspired them, Arakara’s music is aggressive, fast, and majestic, commenting on everything from religion to politics to personal experiences. Technical yet brutal, these Floridians haven’t forgotten the way metal used to be, and they’re following suit perfectly, all while inspiring others and shredding face.

Hitting the scene hard, these four warriors turn heads and make new fans everywhere they play, from bar shows sharing the stage with indie bands to festivals side-by-side with top metal veterans. Arakara is on a mission to bring metal back to its roots, taking no prisoners along the way. In March, the band launched their first highly successful east coast tour from Orlando to Boston.  In April they released their highly anticipated debut full-length “Burial Ground.”  You can expect plenty more touring and more relentless music along the way!

Check out their song “The Machine” here!