Kleenex and Lubriderm Sales through the Roof Day of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show



Los Angeles, CA – The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show aired on CBS this past Tuesday night. Some of the highlights included performances by both Taylor Swift and Fall Out Boy and a display of a 10 million dollar bra.

While CBS achieved some great numbers in viewership and big checks from advertisers, they are not the only company who benefited from the annual event.

Stores all across the country like CVS and Walgreens saw a huge jump in consumers purchasing tissues and lotion. A Walgreens in NYC even went as far to say they reached a 105% increase in sales on the two products.

“I honestly have no idea what could’ve sparked this,” Lauren Paulson, a manager of a Walgreens in Florida, told us. “Maybe there’s a cold going around and a dryness of skin.” Paulson is an only child and has never lived with a man before.