Americans Petition to Add Kenny Chesney to Mount Rushmore



Keystone, SD – It’s been over five decades since anyone has really done anything to Mount Rushmore. The sculpture, that covers over 1,000 acres, was started in 1921 and was finished in 1941. It stands at 5,725 feet above sea level and includes the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln; four of America’s presidents that helped shape our country to what it is today. Although it is not a president, or even someone who has ever been a part of our government, America has now decided to add a new face to the famous landmark.

Many people have thought about adding the face of another president since the 1940s, but no decisions were ever finalized. However, the United States now plans on adding country music legend, Kenny Chesney to the monument.

The Tennessee native has been making country music now since 1993 and has sold over 30 million albums. Chesney sells out venues across the country and represents America for it truly is all about: beer, boating, and freedom.

Gunther Mayberry, an artist who specializes in sculpturing, has announced he will sculpt Chesney’s face next to Abraham Lincoln’s face. Mayberry, who was born in and still resides in Montgomery, trims hedges for the wealthy and has been known to make beautiful pieces of art. “I usually just sculpt horses and Nascar cars,” Mayberry started. “This is going to be a big challenge for me, but I love Chesney and feel honored to have this opportunity. Chesney is America and he deserves to be up there with the four fathers.”

Mayberry is currently rounding up a team to help him sculpt the new monument. If everything goes as planned, they will begin work in the fall and can be done as soon as the beginning of 2016. People are already collecting signatures to try to get other monuments put up such as Jeff Gordon and Reba McEntire.