Local Man Finishes Laundry with All Matching Socks



Denver, CO – Every Sunday, Mitchell Walker likes to get things done for the following week. He goes food shopping, cleans his apartment, and does all of his laundry. In his twenty-five years on this planet, he has never finished a load of laundry and came out with all matching socks. This was all changed yesterday.

As he was binge watching Netflix, the New Hampshire native went to the basement of his apartment complex to gather his dry clothes. As he was finishing up, he noticed something odd. Something that he had never seen before. All of the socks matched. There were no extra socks.

The Human Resources Specialist was overjoyed. He immediately took a picture of his success and posted it online. Within moments, he had hundreds of likes on Facebook. Within hours, a representative of the Guinness Book of World Records was on their way to his apartment. Walker will be making his rounds on different talk shows over the next few months; his first being Ellen next week.