
Japanese Sex Robots Also Won’t Do Anal

Tokyo, Japan – Decades ago, there were books, television shows, and movies that predicted what today might be like. Flying cars, vacations to space, and dinners that come in the size of a pill were what writers used to think would be a big part of our lives today. However, we have not seen any […]

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Carnival Cruise Line Guests Stumble upon Cannibalistic Tribe

Cozumel – There are many reasons one may never go on a cruise. Fear of falling overboard, becoming seasick, claustrophobia; these are all reasons that may cause one to refrain from hitting the open seas for gambling, drinking, and entertainment. A recent Carnival Cruise line stopped by Cozumel’s port of call for fun in the sun. Some […]

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Godzilla Shows up in Rio Just Weeks Before 2016 Olympics

Rio de Janeiro – With less than a month until the 2016 Olympics, Rio is falling apart. Body parts have shown up on the beaches where some of the games will be held, olympians are choosing not to attend the games because of health scares, and now one of the largest, both physically and figuratively, […]

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682 People Hit by Cars While Playing Pokémon Go; So Far

It’s been less than a week since Pokémon Go came out and the augmented reality mobile game has already taken over Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Sixty percent of Android users are playing the game for almost an hour every day, the number of daily users is almost equal to that of Twitter, […]

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IKEA Founder Dead at 90; Surviving Family Forced to Build Coffin from Scratch

Småland, Sweden – Igvar Feodor Kamprad, the founder of the billion-dollar furniture brand IKEA, passed away yesterday morning peacefully in his home. The business magnate had been ill for the past few weeks and was released from Findabar Hospital on Wednesday to live the rest of his time at home. Kamprad was surrounded by his […]

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Uber Announces New Piggyback Service

San Francisco, CA – It seems like every time you turn around, Uber has come up with a new service for their transportation company. What started off once as a simple taxi alternative has now turned into a service that offers things such as shared rides, hot air balloons, and more. As of late last […]

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Crayola to Change “Black” Crayon to “African American” Crayon

Forks Township, PA – In an effort to keep everything politically correct, companies are always changing their ways to avoid any type of accusations from customers. Football teams are changing their names, slogans have been updated, and now Crayola has decided to make a major change to one of their colors. Hallmark, the largest manufacturer of […]

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Kim Jong-un Adds Eighth Day to North Korean Calendar; Inspired by Popular Beatles’ Song

Pyongyang, North Korea – Another day has passed in North Korea, which means that supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, has made another executive decision in his homeland. Jong-un is constantly adding new laws to North Korea and there is nothing any of the residences can do about it. It was only a few months ago that […]

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